*Fees are based on cash pay with no insurance coverage. If insurance is applicable, insurance companies will pay a percentage of a usual and customary fee. Out of pocket fees can be paid through Visa/Mastercard/Discover.
*Fees are based on cash pay with no insurance coverage. If insurance is applicable, insurance companies will pay a percentage of a usual and customary fee. Out of pocket fees can be paid through Visa/Mastercard/Discover.
With EEG and Neurofeedback: Dr. Hansink has helped with overall Mental Health, ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Migrane and more since 1978 in Orange County California
Neurofeedback is brain exercise. We observe your brain in action from moment to moment by monitoring your brainwaves. We show you your brain activity and we help you change it by rewarding shifts toward a more functional and stable brain state. It is a gradual learning process.
Neurofeedback is also referred to as EEG Biofeedback or Neurotherapy. The electroencephalogram (EEG) is another name for the brain wave recordings and, in this context, biofeedback refers to the process by which you learn to change your brainwaves and hence change your control of brain states.